UPVC double glazed entrance door, UPVC double glazed window/side panel, fitted carpet, radiator, stairs to first floor.
UPVC double glazed opaque window, wash hand basin, wc
A spacious L-shaped lounge-diner which has become a trademark of Calverley homes, UPVC double glazed window to rear, two radiators, UPVC double glazed sliding patio doors to rear, fitted carpet.
UPVC double glazed windows and door to side, fitted with a modern range of base, drawer and eye level units, work surfaces, under unit lighting, tiled splashbacks, stainless steel sink unit with mixer taps. There is a built-in stainless steel electric oven, gas hob with extractor hood. Space and provision for usual appliances including plumbing for washing machine, radiator, pantry store.
UPVC double glazed window at stair turn to side, fitted carpet, radiator, access to loft.
UPVC double glazed window to rear, fitted carpet, radiator, airing cupboard housing cylinder.
UPVC double glazed window to front, fitted carpet, radiator.
UPVC double glazed window to rear, fitted carpet, radiator.
UPVC double glazed opaque window to side, vinyl floor, radiator, fully tiled walls, panelled bath with mains shower over, wash hand basin, wc.
To the front of the property is an open plan garden with lawn.
A long driveway provides space for three cars in tandem leading to garage.
Private 70' rear gardens comprising of paved patio, lawns, borders, fully fenced boundaries.
Brick built detached garage with up-and-over door, light/power, side door and window.